UDP: Search result / Menu bar / File Protection: An activated file protection is now displayed with a lock symbol in front of the source folder. UPD: Source Folder List / Column 'Subfolders': The status for processing the subfolders of a source folder is now shown in the list with a folder icon. UPD: Source Folder List / Column 'File Protection': The info message when activating file protection is now only displayed once after each start of AllDup. UPD: Source Folder List / Column 'File Protection': The file protection status of a source folder is now shown in the list with a lock icon. UPD: The external component 'MediaInfo' for the plug-in 'Media Info Viewer' has been updated. UPD: The Russian translation of the user interface has been updated. UPD: The traditional Chinese translation of the user interface has been updated. UPD: The Slovenian translation of the user interface has been updated. UPD: The Korean translation of the user interface has been updated. UPD: The Portuguese translation of the user interface has been updated. UPD: The French translation of the user interface has been updated. UPD: Search result / Column 'Duration': Duration is now displayed without leading zeros for lengths longer than one minute. UPD: Search method 'File content': Files with 0 bytes are now shown in the search result if the file filter 'Ignore files with 0 bytes' is disabled. NEW: Danish translation of the user interface. UPD: The simplified Chinese translation of the user interface has been updated.įIX: Various optimizations have been introduced in various sections of AllDup. UPD: The English translation of the user interface and documentation has been revised. UPD: File Manager / 'Rename Files': The file extension placeholder %2 has been renamed to %EXT%.

UPD: File Manager / 'Rename Files': The filename placeholder %1 has been renamed to %NAME%. UPD: File Manager / 'Rename Files': The placeholders must now be enclosed with a percent sign (%). NEW: File Manager / 'Rename Files': With the new placeholder %LNAME%, the name of the last file in a group can be inserted into the new name of a file. NEW: File Manager / 'Rename Files': With the new placeholder %FNAME%, the name of the first file in a group can be inserted into the new name of a file. NEW: File Manager / 'Rename Files': With the new placeholder %GNAME%, the group name can be inserted into the new name of a file. NEW: File Manager / 'Rename Files': With the new placeholder %PDATE%, the creation date of an image file (JPG, PNG, TIF) can be inserted into the new name. NEW: File Manager / 'Rename Files': With the new placeholder %MDATE%, the modification date of the file can be inserted into the new name.

NEW: File Manager / 'Rename Files': With the new placeholder %CDATE%, the creation date of the file can be inserted into the new name.